Question 1-10 on: Alcibiades I.

AN ANALYSIS OF THE DIALOGUE Plato: ALCIBIADES I. Question: 1-10 á bls. 1-6. The dialogue starts in the Agora, below the high point of Athens: Acropolis. The year is 430 before Christ. Socrates has for a long time observed the young and promising Alcibiades, but for some reason does not want to talk to him until now, that he is fully grown.


01. The first part of the dialogue can be called an introduction. Let’s find out where it begins and ends. Socrates starts by asking the young Alcibiades questions. Google their respective births. We know when the dialogue takes place, how old are they? Socrates: _____     Alcibiades: _____

We learn that Socrates has long observed Alcibiades, but never talked to him. Why not? ________



02. What descriptive words do you see regarding Alcibiades’s outer appearance. Name a few: ____


03. Do you see any indications that there is a romantic relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades? Write down a few instances indicating this from the first pages. __________________



04. Alcibiades was raised by someone called Pericles, who was some great person in the Greek Golden Age. Google him. What is he famous for? ______________________________________


05. Can you imagine why all these persons were rejected by Alcibiades (Socrates is the only one left)? ________________________________________________________________________



06. Socrates wants to start a dialogue with Alcibiades. This he always does by praising his interlocutor and then tries to get a definition of a concept from him. What is that term? To find out, what – exactly – is the question that Socrates asks (the famous Socratic question)? ________



07Rewrite this question so that it is about one specific concept. What is it that Alcibiades has and Socrates wants to discuss / question / examine? ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


08How does Alcibiades answer the Socratic question? Does he have this „X,“ he is asked about? How much of it „X“ does he have? _________________________________________________



09The introduction is hereby over, when you find the exact spot in the dialogue where Socrates asks Alcibiades to now give him his full attention and listen carefully. To what shall he listen? ___



10. After Socrates has repeated the basic Socratic question and when Alcibiades has answered (defined) it, then the game is afoot (as Sherlock Holmes used to say!). Where exactly do they start this „game?“. What is one of them supposed to do, and then the other in response to that? ______



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